1. What is HDFS?
Hadoop Distributed file system or HDFS is a Java based
distributed file system that allows us to store Big data across
multiple nodes in a Hadoop cluster. So, if I install Hadoop, I will get
HDFS as an underlying storage system for storing the huge data sets in the
distributed environment.
2. What are the key features of HDFS?
NOTE: You should also
explain the features briefly while listing different HDFS features.
Some of the prominent features of HDFS are as follows:
- Cost effective and Scalable: HDFS, in general, is
deployed on a commodity hardware. So, it is very economical in terms of
the cost of ownership of the project. Also, one can scale the cluster
by adding more nodes.
- Variety and Volume of Data: HDFS is all about storing huge data i.e.
Terabytes & Petabytes of data and different kinds of data. So, I can
store any type of data into HDFS, be it structured, unstructured or semi
- Reliability and Fault Tolerance: HDFS divides the given
data into data blocks, replicates it and stores it in a distributed
fashion across the Hadoop cluster. This makes HDFS very reliable and
fault tolerant.
- High Throughput: Throughput is the amount of
work done in a unit time. HDFS provides high throughput access to
application data.
3. Explain the HDFS Architecture and
list the various HDFS daemons in HDFS cluster?
While listing various HDFS daemons, you should also talk about
their roles in brief. Here is how you should answer this question:
Apache Hadoop HDFS Architecture follows a Master/Slave
topology where a cluster comprises a single NameNode (Master node or daemon)
and all the other nodes are DataNodes (Slave nodes or daemons). Following
daemon runs in HDFS cluster:
- NameNode: It is the master daemon that
maintains and manages the data block present in the DataNodes.
- DataNode: DataNodes are the
slave nodes in HDFS. Unlike NameNode, DataNode is a commodity hardware,
that is responsible of storing the data as blocks.
- Secondary
NameNode: The
Secondary NameNode works concurrently with the primary NameNode as a helper daemon. It performs
4. What is checkpointing in Hadoop?
Checkpointing is the process of combining the Edit Logs with the
FsImage (File system Image). It is performed by the Secondary NameNode.
5. What is a NameNode in Hadoop?
The NameNode is the master node that manages all the DataNodes
(slave nodes). It records the metadata information regarding all the files
stored in the cluster (on the DataNodes), e.g. The location of blocks
stored, the size of the files, permissions, hierarchy, etc.
6. What is a DataNode?
DataNode are the slave nodes in HDFS. It is a commodity
hardware that provides storage for the data. It serves the read and write
request of the HDFS client.
7. Is Namenode machine same as
DataNode machine as in terms of hardware?
Unlike the DataNodes, a NameNode is a highly available server
that manages the File System Namespace and maintains themetadata information.
Therefore, NameNode requires higher RAM for storing the
metadata information corresponding to the millions of HDFS files in the
memory, whereas the DataNode needs to have a higher disk capacity for
storing huge data sets.
8. What is the difference between NAS
(Network Attached Storage) and HDFS?
Here are the key differences between NAS and HDFS:
- Network-attached storage (NAS) is a file-level
computer data storage server connected to a computer network providing
data access to a heterogeneous group of clients. NAS can either be a
hardware or software which provides a service for storing and accessing
files. Whereas Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is a distributed file
system to store data using commodity hardware.
- In HDFS, data blocks are distributed across
all the machines in a cluster. Whereas in NAS, data is stored on a
dedicated hardware.
- HDFS is designed to work with MapReduce
paradigm, where computation is moved to the data. NAS is not suitable
for MapReduce since data is stored separately from the computations.
- HDFS uses commodity hardware which is cost
effective, whereas a NAS is a high-end storage devices which includes
high cost.
9. What is the difference between
traditional RDBMS and Hadoop?
This question seems to be very easy, but in an interview these
simple questions matter a lot. So, here is how you can answer the very
Data Types
RDBMS relies on the structured data
and the schema of the data is always known.
Any kind of data can be stored into
Hadoop i.e. Be it structured, unstructured or semi-structured.
RDBMS provides limited or no
processing capabilities.
Hadoop allows us to process the data
which is distributed across the cluster in a parallel fashion.
Schema on Read Vs. Write
RDBMS is based on ‘schema on write’
where schema validation is done before loading the data.
On the contrary, Hadoop follows the
schema on read policy.
Read/Write Speed
In RDBMS, reads are fast because the
schema of the data is already known.
The writes are fast in HDFS because
no schema validation happens during HDFS write.
Licensed software, therefore, I have
to pay for the software.
Hadoop is an open source framework.
So, I don’t need to pay for the software.
Best Fit Use Case
RDBMS is used for OLTP (Online
Trasanctional Processing) system.
Hadoop is used for Data discovery,
data analytics or OLAP system.
10. What is throughput? How does HDFS provides good throughput?
Throughput is the amount of work done in a unit time. HDFS
provides good throughput because:
- The HDFS is based on Write Once and Read Many
Model, it simplifies the data coherency issues as the data written once
can’t be modified and therefore, provides high throughput data access.
- In Hadoop, the computation part is moved
towards the data which reduces the network congestion and therefore,
enhances the overall system throughput.
11. What is Secondary NameNode? Is it
a substitute or back up node for the NameNode?
Here, you should also mention the function of the Secondary
NameNode while answering the later part of this question so as to provide
A Secondary NameNode is a helper daemon that performs
checkpointing in HDFS. No, it is not a backup or a substitute
node for the NameNode. It periodically, takes the edit logs (meta data
file) from NameNode and merges it with the FsImage (File system Image) to
produce an updated FsImage as well as to prevent the Edit Logs from becoming
too large.
12. What do you mean by meta data in
HDFS? List the files associated with metadata.
The metadata in HDFS represents the structure of HDFS
directories and files. It also includes the various information regarding HDFS
directories and files such as ownership, permissions, quotas, and replication
NOTE: While listing the
files associated with metadata, give a one line definition of each metadata
There are two files associated with metadata present in the
- FsImage: It contains the complete state of the
file system namespace since the start of the NameNode.
- EditLogs: It contains all the recent modifications
made to the file system with respect to the recent FsImage.
13. What is the problem in having lots of small files in HDFS?
As we know, the NameNode stores the metadata information
regarding file system in the RAM. Therefore, the amount of memory produces a
limit to the number of files in my HDFS file system. In other words, too much
of files will lead to the generation of too much meta
data and storing these meta data in the RAM will become a challenge.
As a thumb rule, metadata for a file, block or directory takes 150 bytes.
14. What is a heartbeat in HDFS?
Heartbeats in HDFS are the signals that are sent by DataNodes to
the NameNode to indicate that it is functioning properly (alive). By
default, the heartbeat interval is 3 seconds, which can be configured using
dfs.heartbeat.interval in hdfs-site.xml.
15. How would you check whether your
NameNode is working or not?
There are many ways to check the status of the NameNode. Most
commonly, one uses the jps command to check the status of all
the daemons running in the HDFS. Alternatively, one can visit the NameNode’s
Web UI for the same.
16. What is a block?
You should begin the answer with a general definition of a
block. Then, you should explain in brief about the blocks present in HDFS
and also mention their default size.
Blocks are the smallest continuous location on your
hard drive where data is stored. HDFS stores each file as blocks, and
distribute it across the Hadoop cluster. The default size of a block in HDFS is
128 MB (Hadoop 2.x) and 64 MB (Hadoop 1.x) which is much larger as compared to
the Linux system where the block size is 4KB. The reason of having this huge
block size is to minimize the cost of seek and reduce the meta data information
generated per block.
17. Suppose there is file of size 514 MB stored in HDFS (Hadoop
2.x) using default block size configuration and default replication factor.
Then, how many blocks will be created in total and what will be the size of
each block?
Default block size in Hadoop 2.x is 128 MB. So, a file of size
514 MB will be divided into 5 blocks ( 514 MB/128 MB) where the first four
blocks will be of 128 MB and the last block will be of 2 MB only. Since, we are
using the default replication factor i.e. 3, each block will be replicated
thrice. Therefore, we will have 15 blocks in total where 12 blocks will be of
size 128 MB each and 3 blocks of size 2 MB each.
18. How to copy a file into HDFS with
a different block size to that of existing block size configuration?
NOTE: You should
start the answer with the command for changing the block size and then, you
should explain the whole procedure with an example. This is how you should
answer this question:
Yes, one can copy a file into HDFS with a different block size
by using ‘-Ddfs.blocksize=block_size’ where the block_size is specified in
Let me explain it with an example: Suppose, I want to copy a
file called test.txt of size, say of 120 MB, into the HDFS and I want the block
size for this file to be 32 MB (33554432 Bytes) instead of the default (128
MB). So, I would issue the following command:
hadoop fs -Ddfs.blocksize=33554432 -copyFromLocal
/home/edureka/test.txt /sample_hdfs
Now, I can check the HDFS block size associated with this file
hadoop fs -stat %o /sample_hdfs/test.txt
Else, I can also use the NameNode web UI for seeing the HDFS
19. Can you change the block size of
HDFS files?
Yes, I can change the block size of HDFS files by changing the
default size parameter present in hdfs-site.xml. But, I will have to restart
the cluster for this property change to take effect.
20. What is a block scanner in HDFS?
Block scanner runs periodically on every DataNode to verify
whether the data blocks stored are correct or not. The following steps will
occur when a corrupted data block is detected by the block scanner:
- First, the DataNode will report about the
corrupted block to the NameNode.
- Then, NameNode will start the process of
creating a new replica using the correct replica of the corrupted block
present in other DataNodes.
- The corrupted data block will not be deleted
until the replication count of the correct replicas matches with the
replication factor (3 by default).
This whole process allows HDFS to maintain the integrity of the
data when a client performs a read operation. One can check the block scanner
report using the DataNode’s web interface- localhost:50075/blockScannerReport
21. HDFS stores data using commodity
hardware which has higher chances of failures. So, How HDFS ensures the Fault
Tolerance capability of the system?
NOTE: Basically, this
question is regarding replication of blocks in Hadoop and how
it helps in providing fault tolerance.
HDFS provides fault tolerance by replicating the data blocks and
distributing it among different DataNodes across the cluster. By default, this
replication factor is set to 3 which is configurable. So, if I store a file of
1 GB in HDFS where the replication factor is set to default i.e. 3, it will
finally occupy a total space of 3 GB because of the replication. Now, even if a
DataNode fails or a data block gets corrupted, I can retrieve the data from other
replicas stored in different DataNodes.
22. Replication causes data redundancy and consume a lot of
space, then why is it pursued in HDFS?
Replication is pursued in HDFS to provide the fault tolerance.
And, yes, it will lead to the consumption of a lot of space, but one can always
add more nodes to the cluster if required. By the way, in practical clusters,
it is very rare to have free space issues as the very first reason to deploy
HDFS was to store huge data sets. Also, one can change the replication factor
to save HDFS space or use different codec provided by Hadoop to compress the
23. Can we have different
replication factor of the existing files in HDFS?
NOTE: You should
always answer such type of questions by taking an example to provide clarity.
Yes, one can have different replication factor for
the files existing in HDFS. Suppose, I have a file named test.xml stored
within the sample directory in my HDFS with the replication factor set to 1.
Now, the command for changing the replication factor of text.xml file to 3 is:
hadoop fs -setrwp -w 3 /sample/test.xml
Finally, I can check whether the replication factor has been
changed or not by using following command:
hadoop fs -ls /sample
hadoop fsck /sample/test.xml -files
24. What is a rack awareness algorithm and why is it used in
Rack Awareness algorithm in Hadoop ensures that all the block
replicas are not stored on the same rack or a single rack. Considering the
replication factor is 3, the Rack Awareness Algorithm says that the
first replica of a block will be stored on a local rack and the next two
replicas will be stored on a different (remote) rack but, on a different
DataNode within that (remote) rack. There are two reasons for using Rack
- To improve the network performance: In general, you will find greater
network bandwidth between machines in the same rack than the
machines residing in different rack. So, the Rack Awareness helps to
reduce write traffic in between different racks and thus provides a better
write performance.
- To prevent loss of data: I don’t have to worry
about the data even if an entire rack fails because of the switch failure
or power failure. And if one thinks about it, it will make sense, as it is
said that never put all your eggs in the same basket.
25. How data or a file is written
into HDFS?
The best way to answer this question is to take an example of a
client and list the steps that will happen while performing the write without
going into much of the details:
Suppose a client wants to write a file into HDFS. So, the
following steps will be performed internally during the whole HDFS write
- The client will divide the files into blocks
and will send a write request to the NameNode.
- For each block, the NameNode will provide the
client a list containing the IP address of DataNodes (depending on
replication factor, 3 by default) where the data block has to be
copied eventually.
- The client will copy the first block into the
first DataNode and then the other copies of the block will be replicated
by the DataNodes themselves in a sequential manner.
26. Can you modify the file present in HDFS?
No, I cannot modify the files already present in HDFS, as HDFS
follows Write Once Read Many model. But, I can always append data into the
existing HDFS file.
27. Can multiple clients write into
an HDFS file concurrently?
No, multiple clients can’t write into an HDFS file concurrently.
HDFS follows single writer multiple reader model. The client which opens a file
for writing is granted a lease by the NameNode. Now suppose, in the meanwhile,
some other client wants to write into that very file and asks NameNode for the
write permission. At first, the NameNode will check whether the lease for
writing into that very particular file has been granted to someone else or not.
Then, it will reject the write request of the other client if the lease has
been acquired by someone else, who is currently writing into the very file.
29. Does HDFS allow a client to read
a file which is already opened for writing?
Basically, the intent of asking this question is to know about
the constraints associated with reading a file which is currently being written
by some client. You may answer this question in following manner:
Yes, one can read the file which is already opened. But, the
problem in reading a file which is currently being written lies in the
consistency of the data i.e. HDFS does not provide the surety that the data which
has been written into the file will be visible to a new reader before the file
has been closed. For this, one can call the hflush operation explicitly which
will push all the data in the buffer into the write pipeline and then the
hflush operation will wait for the acknowledgements from the DataNodes. Hence,
by doing this the data that has been written into the file before the hflush
operation will be visible to the readers for sure.
30. Define Data Integrity? How does
HDFS ensure data integrity of data blocks stored in HDFS?
Data Integrity talks about the correctness of the data. It is
very important for us to have a guarantee or assurance that the data stored in
HDFS is correct. However, there is always a slight chance that the data will
get corrupted during I/O operations on the disk. HDFS creates the checksum for
all the data written to it and verifies the data with the checksum during read
operation by default. Also, each DataNode runs a block scanner periodically,
which verifies the correctness of the data blocks stored in the HDFS.
31. What do you mean by the High
Availability of a NameNode? How is it achieved?
NameNode used to be single point of failure in Hadoop 1.x where
the whole Hadoop cluster becomes unavailable as soon as NameNode is down. In
other words, High Availability of the NameNode talks about the very necessity
of a NameNode to be active for serving the requests of Hadoop clients.
To solve this Single Point of Failure problem of NameNode, HA
feature was intorduced in Hadoop 2.x where we have two NameNode in our HDFS
cluster in an active/passive configuration. Hence, if the active NameNode
fails, the other passive NameNode can take over the responsibility of the
failed NameNode and keep the HDFS up and running.
32. Define Hadoop Archives? What is
the command for archiving a group of files in HDFS.
Hadoop Archive was introduced to cope up with the problem of
increasing memory usage of the NameNode for storing the metadata information
because of too many small files. Basically, it allows us to pack a number of
small HDFS files into a single archive file and therefore, reducing the
metadata information. The final archived file follows the .har extension and
one can consider it as a layered file system on top of HDFS.
The command for archiving a group of files:
hadoop archive –archiveName Example_archive.har /input/location /output/location
33. How will you perform the inter
cluster data copying work in HDFS?
One can perform the inter cluster data copy by using distributed
copy command given as follows:
hadoop distcp hdfs://<source NameNode> hdfs://<target
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